M-F: 9am-5pm
8808 Mission Drive Suite 108, Rosemead, CA 91770
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DBA / Fictitious Business Name Questionnaire

Please complete the form to the best of your knowledge and leave any unknown fields blank.

Business Location

Please provide the business address. If this is a home based business, the business address will be your home address. This must be a physical address (PO Boxes and Private Mail Boxes will NOT be accepted). If you have multiple business addresses, you will need to process a separate application for each location and pay separate fees.

Special Note: Most of the business information provided including, but not limited to, the business name, business address, owner's name, owner's address, business structure, and corporate/entity information will become public record. State law requires that the business information be disclosed and made available to the general public.

Registration Type, Business Structure, and Activity

DBAs / Fictitious Business Names(s)

Please select and list the number of fictitious business names you would like to register. Any names that you list below will be registered. Please only list names that you intend to register.

NOTE:It is recommended that you register only one business name since multiple names make it more difficult to brand your business. There are additional fees for each additional business name or owner registered. The total cost will be calculated at checkout.


Type of Service

Fictitious Business Name Complete Package

The complete package includes:

  • Expedited 2nd day preparation of documents
  • Preliminary name search**
  • Thorough review for errors
  • Filing Service
  • Legal publication of your DBA (if required by law)

*The turnaround time for expedited filing service is 2-5 business days from the date of receipt of your original documents. Filing delays are uncommon, but may occur due to uncontrollable circumstances; our filing timeframes are not guaranteed. This free expedited filing upgrade is only available for California DBA filings. "Expedited filing service" means that our messenger will deliver the documents within 2-5 days; some counties have a queue system where the documents must be dropped off and picked up at a later time (could be several days and is uncontrollable). Currently, the only county that operates a queue is Los Angeles County; the queue is between 7-10 business days.

**A preliminary search will be conducted at the local level when available.

Contact Information

Delivery Method

EMAIL - After the preparation of your documents, we will email you the document in a PDF format. This is the fastest and most economical way to receive your legal documents.

USPS First Class Mail - After the preparation of your documents, we will mail the package to you by USPS First Class mail. This method is ideal for individuals who do not have a printer and prefer to have their documents physically mailed.

Mailing Address - Filed Documents and Confirmations

Once filing is complete, where would you like the original filed documents and other correspondence mailed to?


New Payment Method

Order Summary

Description Price

By clicking the button below, you agree to our "Terms of Use" and "Customer Agreement" and hereby authorize the above-described charges to your credit card.

Thank You!

Order #LD

DBA / Fictitious Business Name has been submitted and your payment has been processed. Thank you!

Review Submission